Emerald Flame
Emerald Flame
In the ancient lands of Aurendell, nestled between towering emerald peaks, lived a mighty dragon named Serpentis. His scales shimmered like polished jade, and his fiery breath glowed with an otherworldly copper hue. Serpentis was no ordinary dragon; he was the Keeper of Creation, a being gifted with the ability to forge artifacts of immense power from the treasures of the earth.
For centuries, Serpentis guarded his trove of rare metals, gemstones, and enchanted minerals deep within his volcanic lair. But his greatest creation was yet to come.
One day, a wandering bard, weary from his travels, stumbled into Serpentis’ cavern. The dragon, intrigued by the bard’s tales and melodies, allowed him to stay. As a gesture of gratitude, the bard sang a song of unfulfilled dreams—a tale of the dragon’s own forgotten potential, of crafting something to carry his legend beyond the mortal plane.
Moved, Serpentis decided to create a masterpiece. He delved into his hoard, selecting the purest emeralds, molten copper veins, and enchanted fire quartz. With his powerful claws, he shaped the materials, and with his copper flame, he forged them together. The result was a pen unlike any other, its body gleaming emerald green with intricate copper filigree. It was imbued with the essence of Serpentis’ wisdom and strength, capable of turning the words of mortals into enduring magic.
Serpentis christened the artifact The Emerald Flame Pen and vowed to guard it until a worthy soul would come to claim it—not for greed or power, but for the pursuit of knowledge and creation.